I just recently moved offices here at the church and have been going through my stuff and purging along the way. This includes all the things I have decorating my office.
Two of the things I made sure to bring into my new office are word art. One is a framed saying that simply reads “with God nothing is impossible” and was given to me by a friend at Christmas time. The other is a canvas that I asked an artist from our church to make for me. It reads:
“I still believe in Amazing Grace
That there’s power in the blood
That He walks with me and He talks with me
That because He lives I can face tomorrow
All because of the Old Rugged Cross
I found this little poem on the internet that referenced some of those great old hymns I learned in my early years of playing the piano.
As I was sitting in my office praying about what I should share in this devotional, so many things came to mind. These two pieces that decorate my office caught my eye and the question popped into my mind: do you actually believe what they say? 
When prayers aren’t answered in the way that I want, do I believe He walks with me and talks with me? When I see a loved one turn or deny Christ, do I actually believe there is power in the blood? Do I believe I can face tomorrow when tomorrow seems uncertain and scary? If all I see is mountains surrounding the dark valley I see myself and so many other people navigating, do I really believe that nothing is impossible with God?
For myself, if I’m honest, I can be guilty of giving God praise with my mouth, but not with my life. I will sing a song or pray a prayer, and then simultaneously worry about how I’m going to handle all the things that press in and threaten to overwhelm me.
Right off the top, you may answer yes to all these just like me. But does your life show evidence of that kind of faith in Jesus Christ? Do your actions, words and decisions line up what you declare?
And as the director of worship in our church, I have to ask, are the songs we sing on Sunday morning actually how we live our lives? Do we live inviting the Holy Spirit to come, do we believe we’ll see a victory and raise a hallelujah no matter our circumstances?
We are His Church and His representatives on earth, and thankfully, He didn’t abandon us, but strengthens and empowers us to have courage, speak hope and walk in faith. And in those moments or even seasons when we do struggle with doubt or fear, He meets us with grace, love and mercy, and open arms. Let’s keep seeking Him and putting our trust in Him.